They've All Gone Beat Crazy
“Some say we are living at the end of time,
But I believe a thousand pagan ministers
Will arrive tomorrow to baptize the wind.”
--Robert Bly: Living at the End of Time
I want to revisit a couple of critical themes that I have been discussing. The first and most critical thing that people need to understand:
1: T***p is not in charge. This is NOT T***p 2.0 like everyone keeps saying. The people in charge of the next administration and Project 2025 are the Council For National Policy, You MUST get this through your head, NOW. If you want to call yourself part of ANY “Resistance 2.0,” You must, as I wrote about previously, “Know Your Enemy.”
As I outlined in that piece, these are Christofascist/Talibangelicals. They believe in the “End Times” and they are perfectly willing to hurry along their perverted worldview. They call themselves Christian Nationalists but it goes WAY beyond their small-minded, religious insanity. They are addicted to their Eschatology.
Again, Donold T***p has nothing to do with this. He is old and he is worn out and mentally deranged/Syphilitic. He will parrot the talking points they give him. He will be a good little boy because they kept him out of prison and allowed him to keep grifting. But he is simply too mentally ill-equipped to see the big picture of the CNP.
2: Second: In another post I talked about Parousia, AKA the “End Times.” This is what the Christian Nationalists are preparing for planet Earth. Never mind that religious whack-jobs have been ‘predicting’ this since they could afford chisels and stone tablets or posterboard and markers. Again, Eschatology
Call Me Blasphemous
Brace yourself. If you are a romantic, the next part is an assessment. If you really want to label something as blasphemous, I suggest you look at the recent Al Smith dinner, where people suggested it was time for Cardinal Dolan to “Go to confession.” THAT was blasphemy. Nevertheless, you may see me as someone sporting the Mark of the Beast.
In a recent post, I said:
“The people behind Project 2025 believe they are preparing us for the Second Coming, or Parousia. They are called Premillenialists. The country and culture have already spun out of control and is in Satan’s death grip. The only solution is to purify the nation in the name of Jesus. We will all be saved and Jesus will return as the Messiah.”
“But my notion of what the real horror today is what you see in Beirut, where you have the three great Western religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and because the three of them have three different names for the same biblical God, they can’t get on together, they’re stuck with their metaphor, and don’t realize it’s reference.” – Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth
Christianity has never really been able to separate itself from its militant (or mythological) roots. The fact is that “Jesus” is just another savior in a long line of saviors that were born of virgins…born on December 25th, died on crosses and rose three days later just simply does not compute. The first three centuries of the millennia; groups of people who called themselves Christians understood that savior myths had existed for thousands of years, and they resisted the growing movement toward making The Christ story into a formal “religion” based on the concept that Christ was “Divine.”
“Before 1,000 B.C. we have the following gods or demigods born on December 25: Horus, Osiris, and Attis. Before 200 B.C. we have Mithra, Heracles, Dionysus, Tammuz, Adonis, and others (see All About Adam and Eve, by Richard Gillooly). Some of these characters, you will see below, were also born to virgins.” -- Garrett S. Griffin: Other Gods Born to Virgins on December 25 Before Jesus Christ
It was at this time in history that the Roman Empire took over the “messaging” and created “Christianity.” Anyone who did not believe what the Empire decreed regarding The Christ would be killed by soldiers (excommunicated). The Empire then sent out their Bishops (big men with big swords on bigger horses) and basically threatened anyone who dare mention that the Christ ‘story’ was just another in a long line of stories about saviors…therefore not “Divine.” This was ‘pre-Trinity.’ This was called the ‘anti-Nicene period.’
Prior to the year 325 and The Council of Nicaea, the idea of The Christ was known through literature as just another mythological savior…no different than Horus, Osiris or Attis, none of which were divine beings. They were, in Egypt and Sumerian lore, called the Son/Sun of God, but were not assigned divine status.
The astronomical reality is that the “next” savior will appear sometime around 2160 (or 2597 depending on who measures it…nobody freaking knows) when the “Precession of the Equinox” enters Aquarius, thus The Age of Aquarius. It takes the Earth roughly 25,800/25,920 years to complete a Precession. Currently, the Equinox is in the sign Pisces (the fish)…AKA “the Jesus epoch.” Trust me, you will need to do your own research to understand why there is no definitive answer to this astronomical dilemma. It’s complicated. Suffice it to say, “Hair” was off by a hair.
“Bottom line: The Age of Aquarius begins when the March equinox point moves out of the constellation Pisces and into the constellation Aquarius. But there’s no definitive answer as to when that will be.” -- Bruce McClure
War. What is it Good For?
Now, let’s look at who the CNP is putting up for the “cabinet.” Specifically, Mike Huckabee, Pete Hegseth and Matthew Whitaker. These are all Christian Nationalists, anti-NATO. Pro Putin and pro-Parousia. They are championing the “last trumpet.” It’s Apocalypse time baybee!
Trump Pentagon pick attacks UN and Nato and urges US to ignore Geneva conventions
The entire planet is swimming in massive debt. The U.S. debt is now over $36 trillion, and it costs over $1 trillion a year just in interest payments to service the debt. Humanity has a history of ‘fixing’ its fuckups by throwing wars. It’s a feature, not a bug, of shitty management.
The CNP is putting together a group of people who are suck-ups to Putin because Putin is a “true Christian?” The Talibangelicals got into bed with Putin around 2014 and have brought the entire GOP into their clutches. Putin is an insane dictator, and he wants world dominance.
“No one doubts Huckabee’s commitment to perpetual Israeli control of the West Bank. He’s traveled to Israel repeatedly over the past half-century and stirred controversy more than once for suggesting Palestinian identity was invented. In 2017 he said Israel had “title deed” to the West Bank, which he refers to exclusively as Judea and Samaria, the biblical name of the territory which is the prevalent name in much of Israeli society and the one preferred by the government and the settler movement.” – Times of Israel
The Middle East is the “Biblical” ground for the Second Coming. The CNP isn’t going to wait for the Equinox to precess into Aquarius…whether that is 2160 or 2547. Like all good “Christians,” they want the Rapture to start yesterday. To say there is an “I told you so” vibe is putting it mildly.
The Christian Nationalists “know the truth.” The rest of us are just unsaved scum.
The fact that Huckabee refuses to even recognize Palestine is a fact that requires dire attention. Gone will be any discussion of a “two-state solution.” Best betting odds are that T***p, Putin and Elmo Musk have visions of luxury resorts and shops on the banks of the Mediterranean. Sleazebag grifter, Jared Kushner has already extolled on the ‘very valuable’ potential of Gaza’s ‘waterfront property.’ In Eschatology, the End Times and return of Jesus requires Palestine.
If we wipe out a nation of people in a modern genocide, that is just a pesky data point. In the name of Parousia, the Christian Nationalists will move along their plans for increasing their already obscene wealth. The CNP are the world’s richest, most elite people on Earth. Nothing can stop them once they enact their Second Coming narrative.
In the most perverse twist, when Israel and the Jews are saved…they will then recognize Jesus as the savior. I guess if they don’t, we gotta kill them off as well?
The assault on intelligence and the current “attention economy” is all part of this plan. “All that noise - affects their brains.”
This is the design, make everyone “Beat Crazy,” while the CNP enacts its agenda.
Kevin Roberts and his far-right, Catholic Opus Dei, is the evilest human on the planet. He is in bed with another dark lord, Valdimir Putin, and they have collectively taken over the United States with their sights on the entire globe. You WILL believe what they believe. These are the Demons, the un-Holy.
You think is some crazy conspiracy? You think I am suffering from Apophenia? You want us to believe there is some powerful Shadow Network that is taking over the country and wants to take over the world?
“There are many faithful people in this country who kiss the cross or take Communion and love their neighbor and keep up with old friends and listen to a nice sermon or two. This is not a book about those people. It's about the other kind. The ones who won't stop until they've conquered the earthly realm and secured it for the host of Heaven, the ones who believe in a white and righteous world and whose worldly allies include a twice-divorced and multiply indicted former president who is even now being written into contemporary prophecies that ring with the timbre of divine authority; the ones who want women put into their place and children to be seen and not heard. This is the story of an army forged in church pews and around kitchen tables-an army that several decades ago awoke to its own power and has continued to acquire it ever since.” -- Tania Levin: Wild Faith, How the Christian Right Is Taking Over America
Crazy? Keep scrolling, brother. We’re all Beat Crazy.
This is such a weird, pathetic load of horse shit. When I first read about these Christians wanting to take over the world to prepare it for the second coming of Jesus, I thought surely when people found out about it, they would reject these knuckleheads. It seems that their money buys them followers. What a sad lot we’ve become as a people. Maybe this is the “truth” and the earth will be destroyed because of us and our greed and insanity.