I do the dirty work, so you don’t have to.
“Christian nationalism—the belief that America is God’s chosen nation and must be defended as such—serves as a powerful predictor of intolerance toward immigrants, racial minorities, and non-Christians. It is linked to opposition to gay rights and gun control, to support for harsher punishments for criminals, to justifications for the use of excessive force against black Americans in law enforcement situations, and to traditionalist gender ideology.” ― Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation
I want to revisit the genesis of Project 2025, how we got here, and what we might be able to do now that the Council For National Policy, the “CNP” has finally grabbed the brass ring after nearly 50 years of trying.
“Every single religious advocacy group you’ve ever heard of and some you haven’t are listed there. Every major think tank from Heritage to A.E.I, to the Birchers and the Federalist Society trace their roots back to the Council For National Policy.“ -- Theocracy in the US
CNP List: Over 1,000 Past & Present Members of the Council for National Policy
Morton Blackwell, Paul Weyrich, Tim LaHaye, Phyllis Schlafly and Richard Viguerie are just some of the names of the Christian Nationalists that have spent nearly five decades building their Holy Army to take over the United States government and turn it into Jesusland. LaHaye is the original brainchild of the CNP, he is the author of the Left Behind books, a series of seemingly LSD-induced, apocalyptic visions of the End Times.
There are sixteen “Left Behind” screeds. LaHaye’s own manifesto for the ultimate destruction of the ungodly, secular world that had the audacity to allow gay people to love each other and get married.
An interesting fact about a large number of the men behind the CNP and the Dominionist Movement is that they came from abusive, alcoholic fathers. They had shitty dads, and they have allowed their childhood wounds to vomit out their own brokenness on the rest of us. They are ACOAs, and they need the Crappy Childhood Fairy.
The “Council” can trace its roots back to the likes of Paul Manafort, Lee Atwater, Roger Stone, and Charlie Black as far as the 1970s. This is a Who’s Who of racist scumbags and white supremacists who coopted the Religious Right to work toward an authoritarian nation based on the Bible. Call them the Mos Eisley Brothers.
The Council For National Policy encompasses the wealthiest families in the United States. It is roughly 125+ families who represent the very top 0.1%, the richest and most untouchable people on planet earth.
This powerful group of ultra-rich US plutocrats have a mission of destroying the decaying secularism of liberal democracy and replacing it with a neo-Christian government known as “Dominionism.” The implementation of a Christian nation comes with a media campaign that trashes liberal democracy, channels media and religion and champions autocrats around the globe.
Putin the Christ in ‘Murica
“In 2014, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Decision magazine featured Putin on its cover, and Franklin Graham praised the Russian president for standing up to the “gay and lesbian agenda.” The next year, Graham met with Putin in Moscow, an occasion that prompted him to praise Putin as a defender of “traditional Christianity” while accusing President Obama of promoting atheism. In foreign policy as in domestic politics, the cult of masculinity can transform loyalties and reshape alliances.” ― Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation
Dominionism is based on something called the Seven Mountain Mandate. For a good description of what the mandate is, see this link.
In their worldview, democracy is a failed experiment that has led to the decay of a ‘holy’ society…we have gay marriage, abortion, ‘other’ religions, transgenders, and all of this is the work of Satan himself. The only way for the country to survive is to establish a nation based on Biblical values….e.g., Dominionism. The media assault has, and does, include: Salem Media Group, Bott Radio Network, American Family Radio, Focus on the Family, the Christian Broadcasting Network, the Trinity Broadcasting Network and now includes state-run media like Fox News, OANN and NewsMax. Aiding them for decades has been a parade of clown-car TV evangelists from Pat Robertson to Jerry Falwell to the absolutely bat-shit crazy Kenneth Copeland.
“The Council for National Policy had its roots in the South and a group of fundamentalist ministers who were objecting to integration in the 1950s and '60s. So, they began to push back and look for political maneuvers where they could resist the liberalization that was happening in American society, not just about civil rights, but about women's rights and other areas of our life.” --Anne Nelson: Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right
If you are one of the many Americans that has been scratching your head wondering why the modern GOP is so infatuated with Putin, look no further than the CNP.
The CNP and its “horny for authoritarianism” fingers are now wrapped tightly around the neck of the United States. At the heart of this homicide of democratic values is the Council For National Policy, the “CNP.”
This salvation movement is born of the “7 Mountain Politics and Theology” and embraces the language of “war” to reclaim the Kingdom of God. Adherents to the theology of Dominionism are committed to waging war on the existing institutions of the country. The CNP has been behind the movement to take over the information war-space and prop up their puppets in the political sphere to fight their ‘holy war.’ The ‘war’ started in earnest in 1981, shortly after the election of Ronald Reagan, when conservative Christian and activist Paul Weyrich saw the opening in which he could build a movement based on the Southern Baptists and American Evangelicals and build an ‘army’ to “destroy secular humanism.”
“So then the question is: How do you go after specific blocks of voters and influence them heavily to raise the turnout and to tip the vote in their favor and also to suppress the vote for the Democrats? So that's been the strategy, and for many years, they've relied on the churches and networks of pastors and churches to do this. They have access to church directories, they've recruited pastors for their organizations by the tens of thousands.” –Anne Nelson
Why So Serious?
Make no mistake, Project 2025 is deadly serious. These people have been edging for their complete and total takeover of the county for basically five decades. On January 20th, they are going to JIZZ all over the USA.
The question comes down to how average Americans will react to the extreme protocols of the CNP and Project 2025.
Don’t be fooled by the language of a “mandate” to enact their batshit policies. Truth is that this borders on Absurdism. In a so-called 50/50 country, T***p got LESS than 50% of the vote. There is NO mandate.
But let’s say they do start rounding up brown people and putting them in concentration camps and do away with or severely restrict Medicare and Medicaid, cut off funding to schools, ban pornography, shut down free media like the NYT, WaPo, ABC, CBS and MSNBC. If they shut down Hollywood, outlaw abortions, contraception, gay rights. What if it is illegal to be gay? Their overlord, Putin has done this, and he is calling the shots.
The fact that there is NO mandate means the majority still has some power. The rest of us need to find a way to chop wood and carry water, while it is still legal.
I think it is going to come down to how extrajudicial it gets. Will they use the military on citizens like in Russia? It is Putin’s playbook right now, so everything goes.
In Season One, the level of stupidity is what made most of the acolytes fail. Season Two seems to be shaping up as a clown car, but what is different is the oligarchic wealth and the direct ties to the Kremlin. As Charlie Sykes says: ‘A Clown with a Flamethrower Still Has a Flamethrower.’
Elmo might be Putin’s little bitch now, but what happens if they come after him? Will he turn XChan into a Resistance platform?
Just as the Christian Nationalists are better prepared, so are we. Resistance 2.0 will be less scattershot and draw on experience.
As time moves on, my goal is to make this space a resource for Resistance 2.0. As Rachel says: “Watch this space.”
“Fortunes can turn for even the most powerful.” -- Rings of Power
I didn’t realize the religious part of the GOP’s Putin infatuation was so strong. It explains a lot, especially why Gabbard may have been a pick. Thank you for giving us information about the religious aspect of this takeover. I think it’s insidious that they have managed to capture so many formerly good Christians and turn them against themselves and their fellow man. Wondering if their focus on a mandate might be just code used to ritualize the 7 Mountain Mandate?
Have you seen the documentary Bad Faith?