Dark Deis Ahead
“The devil is not as black as he is painted.”
--Dante Aligheri: The Divine Comedy
I’ve been talking a lot about the Christian Nationalists and the Council for National Policy (CNP) and the people behind the Christofascist Project 2025. These are people who have lived in the shadows, staying mostly secret to the rest of us while they formulated a five-decades+ long plan to take over the United States government and turn it into an Iranian Theocracy so they can enact their Talibangelical agenda.
These are the evillest people on planet Earth. The same people who, throughout these decades, have lectured us on “Family Values,” and “Christian Morality” while they molested young children, raped young women, beat and abused women and had sex with gay escorts and collected child porn.
For decades they have excelled in the Moral Gymnastics portion of the Spiritual Olympics. One-by-one, as they were exposed for their outrageous hypocrisy, they pointed the finger at their victims. They won the Gold Medal in Blame the Victims competitions. It was either the victim’s fault, or “The Devil made me do it.” FFS. Was it the Devil or the hallucinogenic drugs?
These Are the Deis
“Opus Dei is a small but powerful organisation within the Catholic Church officially known as the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.” --Andrew Thorpe, ABC Australia
“Cults follow patterns in recruiting methods, who they attempt to bring in, and how members are indoctrinated using Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional controls (BITE Model of Authoritarian Control). They also tend to obfuscate finances through front groups with benign messaging that commonly hide more nefarious business practices lurking beneath. Opus Dei, the conservative arm inside the Catholic Church, has been accused of that and more by both dedicated members within the church and outsiders alike.” –Steven Hassan: Opus: The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking, and Right-Wing Conspiracy inside the Catholic Church
Today, let’s talk about the most secret of the organizations behind the CNP and Project 2025. It is the Catholic (dark money) cult known as Opus Dei. If you are looking for the “global pedophile ring” that “Q” kept telling you about in the “Q-drops,” the reality is…It’s coming from inside the house.
“Opus Dei does not believe in the separation of church and state, seeing a symbiotic relationship between the two, and its American adherents view the United States as the last stronghold of Christianity.” -- Hafiz Rashid: Stunning Report Exposes Project 2025’s Ties to Radical Christian Group
The head of the dangerous Heritage Foundation (the group behind Project 2025) is Kevin Roberts, member of Opus Dei. The man financing the entire operation is Leonard Leo, the head of the Federalist Society, also a member of Opus Dei. Seeing a trend?
In fact, Leo, and the Federalist Society have implanted five (5) Supreme Court justices, all pulled via the membership of Opus Dei.
“While the Federalist Society itself has plenty of dubious relationships with individuals like Charles Koch and his network of billionaire oligarchs hell-bent on reshaping American politics to serve their ends, it is Leo’s association to another organization that reveals links to far older and more powerful networks that harken back to the most recondite history of Cold War politics and the CIA in their ostensible fight against communism through an “unholy alliance” between the intelligence agency, the Vatican and the Mob.” –Raul Diego: The Court of God: How a Catholic secret society took over SCOTUS
The long game For Opus Dei, the CNP, the Federalist Society. The Heritage Foundation and whole host of Talibangelical weirdos from the scandal-ridden SBC to the Pentecostals of the New Apostolic Reformation has been a complete and total takeover of the United States government and shape it into their version of a “Biblical Nation.”
“The New Apostolic Reformation doesn’t always admit its own existence, but it’s growing in influence in the Republican Party.” –Elle Hardy: The Right-Wing Christian Sect Plotting a Political Takeover
They now have control over THE ENTIRE U.S. Government. They installed their far-right Catholic justices, and they now have all three branches of the bureaucracy. The three branches that less than 50% of American can even name. Read: An Opus Dei Supreme Court. SCOTUS will allow Project 2025 to terrorize the country, and we will be helpless. It’s always about “the money.”
Wondering where Leonard Leo got $1.6 Billion dollars to build the Heritage Foundation and enact Project 2025? One need not look much further than Opus Dei, with its long history of banking “irregularities.”
As Neil Young so aptly said: “Stick around while the clown who is sick does the trick of disaster.”
These so-called Christians are the clowns about to unleash their “trick of disaster” on the American population.
You should also not be surprised if Pope Francis has an “accident” soon. Opus Dei needs him out of the way. He’s way too Christlike for their nefarious plans.
We Did Nazi it Coming
“Those to whom evil is done do evil in return.” Talia Lavin: Wild Faith: How the Christian Right Is Taking Over America
“Opus Dei was founded in 1928 in Spain by the priest Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguera y Albás (he was canonized in 2002). During the rule of the fascist caudillo Francisco Franco, it grew into the leading church organization in Spain that was the only one that connected businessmen, politicians and radical clergy. Opus Dei encountered one of its first critics in the form of Wlodimir Ledóchowski, then "General" of the Society of Jesus, who told the Vatican that he considered Opus Dei "extremely dangerous for the Church in Spain" citing its "secretive character" and calling it "in the form of Christian Freemasonry."” –Biljana: What is Opus Dei
While the Christofascists prepare for their destructive Project 2025 agenda, they are already unleashing their darkness across the country.
On November 18th, Neo-Nazi marchers descended on Columbus, Ohio, chanting antisemitism and yelling N***er as they now feel emboldened to let the hate flow through them.
As I wrote about yesterday, they want to bring about the Parousia, AKA the “End Times.” We are about to witness Christian Eschatology on display. They want to do whatever they can to hasten the “Second Coming,” even though, as I pointed out in that piece, the next Savior Myth is not due until, at the very least, the year 2160/2200 when the Equinox Precesses into Aquarius. At that time, the new “Savior” will be one related to “Water” myths as the Age of the “Fish” passes.
What is amazing is that these people don’t realize that they are the ones that are sporting the Mark of the Beast. They are the Demon that their Bible predicted would come to unleash Hell on Earth. In other words: Queue the Nazis!
If the Heritage Foundation gets its way, the Southern Poverty Law Center may run out of real estate on its Hatewatch map. Suffice it to say, if you are a Jew, or gay, Project 2025 is not going to be kind to you.
The thing about their Parousia is, they are still off by at least a century. The issue is math. The celestial heavens move based on mathematics. The Babylonians measured the 12 signs of the Zodiac differently than we do today…and there are at least ten legitimate ways to measure the “houses” astronomically. This is why the predictions for the actual beginning of the Age of Aquarius (the next Messiah) vary so much to analysts and observers.
I have personally studied this subject since the late 1970s. My best guess is the 2160/2200 prediction is the closest observation. That said, it is extremely complicated to divide up the heavens and you will need to do your own research regarding Precession Theory and Definition of the Ecliptic. It is a period of roughly 25,900 years. Do the math…and the geometry. It’s complicated.
All we really know is that during the Age of the Ram, when the Equinox was in Aries, the gods were linked to “Rams.” Prior to that Age, the Equinox was in Taurus, the Bull and is known as the Bronze Age and was an Age of The Goddess as Taurus is ruled by Venus. See The Astrological Ages for reference.
Hurt People, Hurt People
“But, amid all the coverage, no mention was made of the biggest casualty of all. For more than sixty years, a shadowy group of men sworn to a life of celibacy and self-flagellation had secretly controlled the bank and taken advantage of their positions there to siphon off billions of dollars. This is the previously untold story of how these men hijacked Banco Popular and transformed it into a cash machine for Opus Dei, the controversial religious sect they belonged to-transforming this tiny, secretive religious movement into one of the most powerful forces in the Catholic Church, bankrolling the creation of a vast recruitment network targeting children and vulnerable teenagers, and creating a beachhead in the world of U.S. politics that would make Opus Dei a secret but critical force behind the recent erosion of reproductive rights and other civil liberties. In a world obsessed with conspiracy theories— of QAnon and Bilderberg—this is a real-life story of abuse, manipulation, and greed cloaked in the mantle of holiness.” –Gareth Gore: Opus: The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking, and Right-Wing Conspiracy inside the Catholic Church
We know two things.
Project 2025 is a serious and dangerous unleashing of Christofascist Eschatology through the power of the United States government.
These people are broken and misguided and they need help/love.
This is a tall order. Being “The Christ,” when the people around you are claiming they have a direct connection to God, is a tough one. There’s only so much Namaste one can muster while people are marching with Nazi flags and yelling N***er. We are the Gnostics now.
In the Thomas Gospel, Jesus said, “I have lit a spark in the midst of the world, and I am tending it until it becomes a blaze.”
However, we will have to be the better angels…the bumpers. We need to put ourselves in a place where we: “…might feel a shaft of light make its way across (y)our face.” What that looks like will be as unique as a diet. Find what feeds your Spirit and nurture that.
The opiate of religion engenders insanity, we are about to see just how insane it truly is. We need to be the sober ones:
“Love sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out.” --Rumi
I think they do realize they “bear the mark of the beast” They are just doing their Republican lying/gaslighting/deceiving thing to make the weak believe that everyone else is bad. Doesn’t Satan talk in reverse, also? I just watched Ted Cruz spewing Satanic lies and garbage on “Face the Nation”. The head shake and eye roll the host, Major Garrett, displayed was just priceless.